Thursday, November 29, 2012

Benefits of Echinacea and My List of Goodies to Get Over Being Sick QUICKLY

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I became randomly ill recently and started researching some of the best things to take to help out. I knew Echinacea was great to take while being sick. But, I didn't really know why. I was sick for 2 and half days. That's all. It's hard to be sick when you're a stay-at-home mom. There are no breaks. I don't believe I was able to take any naps during those days. My daughter has been teething so much. It's been quite difficult to nap because she's been so whiny and clingy when she's awake. So, there's been no time to get anything done unless she's been napping.

Back to the point...

I'm posting a link below with 8 Benefits of Echinacea (there's more to it than just boosting your immune system!). But, I'm also going to share my list of goodies that help me QUICKLY win the war almost every single time I get sick.

Georgia's List of Quick Healing Remedies:
(These are just a list of things that I do while sick. This is not meant to treat your specific illnesses. If you are sick, please seek medical advice from a professional.)

  • Echinacea - to boost immune system.
  • Prenatal Vitamins - I mainly take these to help with nursing anyway. But, it's good to continue to take while sick to get all of those vitamins in there.
  • Vitamin D - also an immune system booster. I'm deficient in vitamin D. So, I take these to help even though they're already in the prenatals and the Oxylent. I just have extra for myself.
  • B12 Vitamins - to help with energy. I'm also B12 deficient. So, again, while there is B12 in some of the other things on this list, it is best to take more in my case anyway.
  • Iron - to keep that blood full of plenty of oxygen, in turn, fighting off fatigue.
  • 2 Ibuprofen - to reduce any swelling (such as sore throat).
  • Oxylent (twice a day when sick) - this is a multivitamin that will boost your immune system and help fight off most illnesses.
  • Plenty of Powerade/Gatorade - to keep you hydrated and energized.
  • Plenty of Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water - to keep you hydrated and to flush out any bad stuff in your body while you're sick.
  • Plenty of Prayer - to help with healing all around!
  • It's also good to get plenty of Vitamin C in you somehow to help absorb iron and to prevent anymore illness. I tend to drink Orange Juice that's more local.
  • Neosporin - to help heal up my nose if it's been really torn up from being wiped so much. I get the kind that is less oily (it's white and not clear) so as to not break my face out from use.
Below are some links to the specific brands I use of the list above.

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