Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Non-medicated Headache Relief

Welp, we've all been there. It's the middle of the day and, not only have I completely forgotten to eat or drink anything; somehow I've completely forgotten COFFEE! (Sweet nectar of life, how could I ever forget you?) And now I've got a headache that is borderline migraine. Not only that, baby is running around demanding my attention. THANK GOD FOR NAP TIME!

I have now eaten and filled myself with plenty of water. As I finally get some coffee in me and gulp it down as fast as I can, I am realizing this headache has spread. It's all over inside my head; front and back. It's in my neck, it's down my spine. Seriously... without nap time, how would I keep my sanity?

I have been doing my best to avoid typical medications for anything lately. After the constant recalls on baby Motrin lately, I've been avoiding it for my sweet baby Rosie as well. I've also been reading up on some terrible things that Ibuprofen and Tylenol can also do to you when taken long term.

So, I scoured through my basket of home remedy goodies and thought I would share a little headache relief with you.

What you'll need:

Cotton balls
Peppermint Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Jojoba Oil

Oh look! Dark lighting! God bless that natural, dim light and curtains during headache time. Right?

In the order listed above, put a few drops of everything on the cotton ball. Finishing up with the Jojoba Oil gives sort of a diluted buffer between the oil and direct skin contact. You don't wanna overdo it.

Rub that cotton ball on your temples and forehead (as tempting as it is, do not rub it in or too close to your eyes... trust me, you'll feel like it is in your eyes already). I like to put a little behind my ears as well.

Let the minty delight fill your senses! You'll feel the mint everywhere, when you open your eyes and when you breathe it in. Feels SO wonderful. Depending on your size headache, it will make it seem to disappear completely OR just for a little while. If it is a really stubborn headache, just re-apply after a little while for continued relief.

I recently came across a recipe for a headache relief balm. Once I get the ingredients, I will post it. It's just not the easiest to come across local, organic honey pellets apparently. Once I get my hands on some, I'm soooo going to balm it up with all sorts of fun things.

I hope this post brings you relief. If it has, please let me know in the comments below. <3

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